How To Access Java Beans in JSP Page

When you add a bean to a JSP, you can either create a new bean or use an existing one. The JSP engine determines whether it needs to create a new bean for you based on the bean's id. While adding a bean to a page, you must at least give the bean an id (which is just a name) and the bean's class. The JSP engine first searches for an existing bean with the same id. If it doesn't find an existing bean, the JSP engine creates a new instance of the class you specified. package beans; public class Person implements { protected String firstName; protected String lastName; protected int age; public Person() { } public String getFirstName() { return firstName; } public void setFirstName(String aFirstName) { firstName = aFirstName; } public String getLastName() { return lastName; } public void setLastName(String aLastName) { lastName = aLastName; } public int getAge() { return age; } public void setAge(int anAge) { age = anAge; } } jsp page <%@page contentType="text/html"%> <%-- Create an instance of the bean --%> <%-- Copy the parameters into the bean --%> The bean values are:
First Name:
Last Name:
This Java tip illustrates a method of using a Bean in a JSP page. To use a bean in a JSP page, three attributes must be supplied - an id, which provides a local name for the bean, the bean's class name, which is used to instantiate the bean if it does not exit, and a scope, which specifies the lifetime of the bean. There are four scopes available - page, request, session, and application. A page-scoped bean is available only within the JSP page and is destroyed when the page has finished generating its output for the request. A request-scoped bean is destroyed when the response is sent. A session-scoped bean is destroyed when the session is destroyed. An application-scoped bean is destroyed when the web application is destroyed.


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